Tuesday, February 19, 2008


First of all, thank you Ian for your lovely vectorworks drawings.

I've searched high and low for the sockets we're going to need to build the chandelier, and have determined after calling every single electrical company in the state (I'm not even kidding here, I can give you the list if you want) that the only place to find them is online. It looks like they're only available in green or white. I think green would be awful, but black would be better than white, and it might be easier to turn the green ones black than the white ones.

As far as light bulbs, if we go with the CA8, which is the lamp Ian drew, the wattage options range from 15-40w. With 54 total lamps, even with 15w lamps, we have a total wattage of 810w, which I think will be plenty. The only possible merit I can see to a higher wattage is that they could spend the entire show running at a low intensity, which would (I think) make them a warmer color. We could also get amber-tinted "antique" lamps.

My worry is that even with the 15w lamps, we're going to be potentially overheating the sockets, since they're normally used with 7w christmas lights. I've sent an email to the manufacturer, because I can't find any information about the rating of the sockets online.

UPDATE: I've found something that will work, and they're even black. The only problem is that they cost $1.40 each, and we need 54 + spares.

1 comment:

silvie deutsch said...

can we weld a large hoop out of a rod of steel or build the chandelier out of wood ourselves?