The first one is a front view of the stage in the initial (exterior/performance) orientation; a curtain. However, since we don't have a red curtain, and we can't afford one, and it's a somewhat more fun/kitch/vaudeville solution, we are going to make a fake curtain out of painted flats. This curtain (ideally) will be able to accordian off the set as its manner of opening. additionally there will be at least one door in it, and several smaller openings to pass Houdini's equipment through.

Next is a front view of the interior space once the curtain is open. In here we have the playing space (the room) defined by a box/cage made of metal bars (finish to be decided). This framework will hopefully be climbable. In the back there is a curtained "cabinete" for the medium, intended to mirror the opening look. there will be a rug, hopefully a persian rug, so if anyone has one to share/knows of one going for cheap that would be great. The chandelier will be now a series of concentric rings at different heights, and the largest will descend to become the medium's table. There will be masking or walls behind the cage.

Finally is a top view. This is fairly self-explanatory; the circle is the chandelier-table, the square it is on is the rug, the three connected lines are the cage, the little rectangle is the cabinet. Changes will include a raised platform in back that will allow people to be seen above the cabinet, as well as masking to make them able to appear/dissappear. That's about it.

As I mentioned earlier, I will have more detailed and up to date vector works drawings to post in the next few days, which will be available as vecor works files by request.
1 comment:
Sounds great! Definitely send me vectorworks when you have it. Also, I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but you can now get a free, totally legal, non-dongle-protected, student edition of vectorworks 12 or 2008 from nemetscheck, if you want a copy for personal use. The only thing is that it puts little watermarks on all of your files, which you can't remove.
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